"If you haven’t fully committed to your marriage, it won’t succeed. If
you’re always testing your spouse, your spouse will always come up
short. No one is perfect"
"When you’re having an argument, listen to understand, don’t listen to find loopholes so you can win. Marriage is either a win/win or a lose/lose. You can’t win by beating someone else down"
"If it’s not solved at 2:30 a.m., it’s not going to be solved at 3:00
a.m. either. Go to sleep. You can deal with it tomorrow, assuming you
even remember what the fight was about"
"Forgiving means not bringing that old infraction up every time you have a new fight. Let it go"
"He needs you to be his cheerleader. Let him know you believe he can take on the world."
"Find ways to say “I love you” that don’t involve sex."
"Remember that marriage is less about marrying the right person and more about becoming the right person"
"Talk to your spouse more kindly than you talk to anyone else in the world. Too often we speak the most harshly to those closest to us"
"Your kids come second, not first. Your marriage needs to be number one.
Your spouse was there before the kids and will be there after the kids
move out. Work on that relationship first"
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times. . . always with the same person.